Loving God | Loving Others

Our Sunday Services are Available
In-Person and Online each Sunday @ 10:30 AM

We are a church family committed to
living lives of authentic faith,
developing healthy & strong relationships,
and giving every person the opportunity to meet Jesus.

Join us.

The Way of JESUS

Jesus' sermon on the mount begins with the nine 'Beatitudes.' The Beatitudes are the descriptions of certain traits or situations that describe those who are following the way of Jesus.

Find Your Next Treasure!

Our annual garage sale is one of the largest indoor garage sales in the county! Help support our FCC Youth Missions Trip Fund!

Special Guest Speaker!

On this special Sunday, Dr. Womack will speak on the powerful Beatitude in Matthew's Gospel...

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
~ Matthew 5:5 ESV

Gifts for all Mothers!

This is a great time to invite your friends and family to join us!

All Ladies Invited

This beautiful afternoon is a great way to get to know one another and have a delightful time over tea, food, and desserts!

135 Years of God’s Goodness

To kick the year off we studied the biblical values that will guide our church into its 135th anniversary! To listen to them go to the Teaching tab at the top of this page.


About Us

Learn more about our pastors,
who we are, and what we believe